Super Micro Computer stock rallied on Tuesday after a Wall Street analyst hiked his price target on the shares from $600 all the way to $1,500. Shares in the AI hardware closed up more than 10%, making Super Micro Computer the day’s best performing stock in the S&P 500. It was added to the index just last month.
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Loop Capital analyst Ananda Baruah said Super Micro Computer stock has more room to grow, Barron’s reports. The hardware maker has had a strong start to 2024, positioning itself as a leader in the rapidly growing AI market.
Super Micro Computer ended the day up 10.6%, to about $976 per share. The stock is up about 242% so far this year, 784% over the last 12 months, 4,297% over the last five years.
That means if an investor had bought $100 worth of Super Micro Computer stock in 2019, it would be worth $4,297 today.
Unlike Nvidia, Super Micro Computer doesn’t make AI chips. It makes hardware that supports AI applications. Baruah said he’s expecting strong March-quarter results, Barron’s reports, and strong June-quarter guidance.